Drop cable 652D 4 core
Aerial fibre optic cable is a single mode cable with a diameter of 5.2 mm, with a number of 12 type G652D and tensile strength 0.5 kN. The product is packed on spheres after 2000 m, the price is calculated for 1 meter. Optical fiber optic cables are used in external overhead installation, most often they are hung on poles of power lines or urban electric transport lines.
Drop cable 652D 4 core
The self-supporting fiber optic cable is resistant to severe weather conditions and temperature differences (external fiber optic cable). The construction is reinforced with two FRP rods (fiber reinforced plastic) from reference manufacturer Fujikura. The outer coating made of polyethylene is resistant to solar radiation.
Cabel for assembly: Aerial
Fiber standard: G.652.D
Number of fibers: 12F
Cable diameter: 5,2mm
Tensil strenght: 0,5 kN
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