25G/100G Ethernet Solutions

25G/100G Ethernet Solutions

The ever-increasing traffic growth from video streaming, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud applications are driving the need for faster and higher-capacity campus network solutions. That’s why the 25G/100G Ethernet solution is gaining momentum.

What is 25G/100G Ethernet Solution?

In a 25G/100G campus network, the uplink bandwidth is typically 25G from the access layer to the distribution layer, and 100G from the distribution layer to the core layer. Typically, 25G/100G upgrade solutions drive campus networks toward higher performance and scalability.

Ever since the IEEE 25G standard was released back in 2015, the 25G/100G Ethernet solution has grown increasingly popular as an optimal campus network solution due to various advantages it offers. Early reports have also shown that 25G/100G Ethernet solutions have a promising future in data center networks.

Key Benefits of 25G/100G Solution

25G/100G Ethernet solutions come with a wide range of benefits such as high density and flexibility. Let’s dig deeper into how 25G/100G Ethernet solutions bring out the best of campus networks.

Improved Network Bandwidth

In a 25G/100G Ethernet solution, the data link bandwidth between the access layer and the distribution layer is upgraded from 10G to 25G, and the data link bandwidth between the distribution layer and the core layer is upgraded from 40G to 100G.

Good Compatibility with Transceiver Modules

25G SFP28 transceiver modules and 10G SFP+ transceiver modules have the same form factor. Therefore, 25G SFP28 ports support 10G SFP+ transceiver modules, and support a rate of 10 Gbps. Likewise, 100G QSFP28 ports are compatible with existing 40G QSFP+ transceiver modules, thus supporting a data rate of 40 Gbps.

Optical Fiber Reuse

If a 10G/40G campus network needs an upgrade to 25G/100G, the optical fibers used on the previous network can still be used for the new 25G/100G solution. This is because 25G SFP28 transceiver modules, be they single-mode or multi-mode, use LC connectors like 10G SFP+ transceiver modules. And 100G QSFP28 transceiver modules support MPO or LC connectors as 40G QSFP+ transceiver modules do.

Reduced Power Consumption

The 25G/100G Ethernet solution can remarkably bring power consumption per unit bandwidth down.

Key Technologies in 25G/100G Solution

The high performance of the 25G/100G Ethernet solution is not possible without a number of cutting edge technologies. The following shows some key technologies used in 25G/100G Ethernet solutions.


A SerDes, short for serializer/deserializer, is a pair of functional blocks able to convert parallel data to serial data, or vice versa. The serializer, also called SerDes sender (TX), serializes and transmits the received data to the deserializer at the other end. The deserializer, or SerDes receiver (Rx), reconstructs the serialized data. The primary purpose of SerDes is to minimize the number of I/O pins and interconnects and speed up data communication.


FEC (Forward Error Correction) refers to a method of error control in data transmission where the transmitter adds error correction information to received data message and the receiver recognizes part of the data without the error correction information. This technology helps lower the Bit Error Rate (BER) in the data transmission process, thus improving the overall signal quality. However, FEC also comes with its fair share of limitations such as data redundancy and transmission latency.


PAM4, short for 4-level pulse amplitude modulation, is a multilevel signal modulation method used in high-speed signal interconnection. Unlike NRZ, PAM4 uses four different signal levels,namely 00, 01, 10, and 11, to transmit data, each level cycle transmitting 2-bit logic information.

Used on transceiver modules, this technology makes it possible to increase bandwidth and improve performance without having to configure more fibers. In addition, lag is not likely to occur as transmission rate grows, enabling high-performance 25G/100G networks.

Source: community.fs

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